Pham Trang's blog

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

What a beautiful day!!!!!!!!!

  Hom nay la mot ngay vui dac biet!!!!!!! Tu ngay sang Duc den gio, hom nay la ngay vui nhat, vui hon ca ngay biet tin do Kolleg!!

 Niem vui dau tien den tu Hien Trang. Ban hien den lop han hoan bao voi minh la da xin duoc viec lam them cho minh vao cuoi tuan, cho lam cach cho minh o 3 ben U, con gi tuyet voi hon:D

Niem vui thu hai den tu Marlena iu quy, bong nhien ban cung de nghi minh di lam thay cho cua ban, chac tai ban muon cam on minh da bo cong bo suc ca tuan qua giup ban vat lon voi mon Toan:D

Niem vui thu 3 den tu 1 nguoi ban dac biet,  khong han la niem vui cua minh ma la niem vui cua ban, nhung khi thay ban vui suong, hanh phuc, minh cung thay vui lay. That la la:D

Niem vui thu 4 den tu ban Lys iu quy. Ban Lys  da do o Halle,  lai con gap duoc Hoang tu "hac ma" tren duong di thi, lai con hoc duoc vai mon an cua Duc. Thay ban de status han hoan ma cung vui lay:D

Niem vui thu 5 den tu chi hang xom Han Quoc, niem vui trong ngay sinh nhat cua chi:D. Sang di hoc, minh buoc thiep bang day do vao tay nam cua phong chi, chieu ve nhin mat chi rat vui, minh cung thay vui:D

Niem vui thu 6, thu 7, thu 8, thu n..., den tu dau cung chang ro nua. Minh chi chac 1 dieu:  niem vui den khi  minh lam duoc 1 dieu gi do cho nguoi khac. You'll get what you give!

"Song la cho, dau chi nhan rieng minh"

Friday, February 17, 2006

Sometimes I wish... (ban dich tieng Anh cua bai Manchmal wünschte ich..)

 Sometimes I wish my thoughts were a book

So that you can read what I think, what I believe, what I try to do

What was right and what was wrong.

You can turn the pages and see

It'll tell you line by line

What I want to share with you without changing the meanings of words.

Sometimes I wish my thoughts were a book

But now I have forgot all my thoughts

While I'm looking for the right word:D

Sometimes I wish my time were like ice

and it wouldn't fly anymore.

Just when I need some time, I'd take a piece and let it melt

And perhaps I could find another way to deal with the promises that I didn't keep

Sometimes I wish my time were like ice

But when I'm thinking about it

A piece of time has already flown:D


Sometimes I wish my love were a house, with bright windows and a  high gate

...(doan nay chiu khong dich duoc:D)

then you have the keys to the gate, to all the rooms....
